October 6, 2024

Treasurer’s Office


Treasurer – Pam Oelkers

Email: [email protected]

Mailing Address:
Temporary Location – 1611 Vander Horck
PO Box 130

Britton, SD 57430

Phone: (605) 448-2451

8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday – Friday

* You can now pay your Real Estate Taxes online:  https://marshallcountysd.us.

The county treasurer’s office is responsible for collecting real estate taxes, issuing motor vehicle titles, licenses and registrations, and managing county funds.

Property Taxes are due by:

1st half – April 30
2nd half – October 31
*If taxes are postmarked prior to or put in the lobby drop box prior to the beginning of the next month (May 1st or November 1) no interest will be charged.

Sales & Property Tax Refund for Senior & Disabled Citizens:

This program offers eligible senior citizens and disabled individuals to receive a yearly refund of sales or property taxes. Returns are calculated based on your income; the Special Tax Division begins issuing refund checks at the beginning of September.
Eligibility Requirements Must be at least 65 years old on or before January 1, 2023 OR disabled (as defined by the Social Security Act) any time during 2023. Must have been a South Dakota resident the entire previous year. Must meet the annual income requirements. The 2023 income limit for a single-member household is $16,038; the limit for a multiple-member home is $21,692. For an application click here and mail your request to the Department of Revenue, Special Tax Division, 445 East Capitol Avenue, Pierre, SD 57501-3185 or submit online at https://sddor.seamlessdocs.com/f/2050 Applications are accepted from May 1 to July 1.

License Renewal months:

January A, B
February C, D, E
March F, G, J
May H, I, O
June K, L
July M, N
August P, Q, R
September S
November T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

You can renew your Vehicle License tabs in person at the Treasurer’s Office, by mail or by clicking the following website- http://SDCars.org.


Motor Vehicle- Renew Vehicle License tabs online:

Real Estate Tax-
http://www.govtechtaxpro.com(To view taxes)
https://marshallcountysd.us(To pay taxes)
https://dor.sd.gov/individuals/taxes/property-tax/relief-programs/ (Property Tax Refund for Senior Citizens & Citizens with Disabilities)