March 24, 2025

Auditor’s Office

Voter Registration Form
Absentee Ballot Application Form

Auditor – Megan Biel

Email[email protected]

Mailing Address:
Temporary Location – 1611 Vander Horck
PO Box 130

Britton, SD 57430

Phone: (605) 448- 2401

8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday – Friday

The county auditor is the keeper of county records and acts as a bookkeeper for county business. The auditor is responsible for scheduling county commission meetings, preparing the agenda, taking minutes of commission meetings, following up on commission decisions and preparing the county budget. It is the auditor’s responsibility to audit bills or other claims against the county and prepare the vouchers in payment of these bills. The auditor is in charge of each county office budget, payroll and employee benefits, fixed assets records, insurances, and monthly and annual financial reports.

Click Here to view the most recent audited Annual Reports for Marshall County

The county auditor calculates the tax levies for all taxing entities, computes tax bills in the county and apportions the taxes collected by the treasurer.

The county auditor is the election supervisor for the county.  Election duties include voter registration, securing polling places, hiring and training election workers, ballot preparation, setting up ExpressVotes and ballot scanners, counting and canvassing of ballots and reporting election results.